

Monday, April 21, 2014

Leadership Trait of the Day: DEPENDABILITY

 Marines will tell you that there are two types of people in the world: Marines and everyone else.  There are many things that set Marines apart, but one of the foremost is Dependability. 
Along those lines, we can expand this statement.  There are two types of people in the world: those who are dependable, and those who are not.  If you are not dependable, you will never make it as a leader. 
The Marine Corps defines a Dependable individual as one who can be relied upon to perform their duties properly; can be trusted to complete a job and is willing to support the policies and orders of the chain of command.  Dependability also means you consistently put forth your best effort in an attempt to achieve the highest standards of performance.  A Leader makes and keeps commitments, has the discipline to avoid procrastination, and puts forth a full effort to complete a task.
Let’s distill this down even further.  You are Dependable when you when you are consistent and you do what you say you will do.   
By this definition, are you dependable?  If you want to be a Leader, you better have said yes.
Are you as reliable as Old Faithful?
Stress, chaos and difficult circumstances are no excuse for failing to be dependable.  Leaders have to remain consistent in a crisis.  Indeed, a Leader’s Dependability during a crisis is often what can guide his team through the rough seas. 
A Dependable Leader is not discouraged when faced with obstacles.  Instead he will find ways to improvise and overcome.  A Dependable Leader will take pride in being reliable and accountable, and zealously protects that accrued trust with consistent, steadfast behavior. 

So, how can you learn to be Dependable?  Click through for my suggestions. 

• Accomplish the Mission.  In the Marine Corps, this is job Number 1 – always.  There are no excuses for failing to accomplish your mission.  Leaders cannot be dissuaded by obstacles – they have to find ways around them.  Plans will go awry; problems are inevitable.  Leaders must develop a results-oriented, problem-solving mentality.  Stay focused on the mission and ensure that you are maintaining progress. 

• Don’t offer excuses or blame others.  This is the kiss of death for a Leader.  A Leader who avoids responsibility and blames others for shortcomings will lose all credibility, both up and down the chain of command.  A Dependable Leader is always accountable, and in so doing accepts the blame when things don’t go as planned.  A Great Leader will also accept the blame for his subordinates’ mistakes. 

• Keep Your Word.  If you say you’re going to do something, then do it.  It is that simple.  Your word is your promise and commitment.  By not keeping that promise, you risk all the trust that you may have previously earned.  

• Show up on time, every time. Being late not only shows a lack of discipline, it displays a complete lack of respect for the time of others.  These little things count, and this is one that counts heavily.  In this regard, being dependable means being on time and ready to go when you say you will be.  It sets a standard that should apply to everyone, especially leaders.

Leaders must remember that others are entrusted to your care.  Your employees will look to you for guidance and feedback.  They want and need to trust you, perhaps even to emulate you.  And certainly they need to count on you.  Never forget or ignore that.

Dependability is an important trait that every leader should embody. It is a prime building block in developing and maintaining trust, something every leader should desire and seek.

So, are you dependable?


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